
Hello, I'm Mrs Greer and welcome to my blog! It's not really a blog about anything specific - I have very wide ranging tastes from crafts to beauty to fashion to weight loss to football... so there's probably something for everyone amongst all the other dross you probably won't be interested in :-)

I "recently" got married (November 2012) so I think this still counts me as a newlywed? I'm not sure when that title runs out :) I live with my husband Marty in a postage-stamp-sized flat in Hampshire, England. We've lived here for coming up on five years now, not bad considering it was meant to be an initial stopgap! :-) It's not much, but it's home. We're currently in the process of saving for a deposit for our first purchased house together, so I'm trying to be as thrifty and penny-pinchy as possible.

We recently got a kitty who is absolutely adorable, called Honey. I rescued her from Haslemere Cats Protection as I couldn't stand her being there any more after she'd been there over 8 months - in a place I volunteered at to stop me from always wanting a cat at home. It worked out really well! ;-) She's my pretty little princess and is completely spoilt!

I am also the palest person of all time, as you can see from the photo, so I often blog about the perilous journey of trying to find the right shade and formula of foundation. I've also recently taken a notion for travel, albeit infrequently, so there may also be a few photo heavy blog posts of places I've been as and when I get to go somewhere interesting!

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