Monday, 24 February 2014

One Pot Smoky Sausage Mac and Cheese

I adapted this recipe from a few different blog posts to tweak it to just perfect - that pretty much just means more cheese in my book!!

This recipe is so easy, and only takes 20-30 minutes. You can cut the time down even more if you part-cook the pasta first, like I did. But you can do it all in one pot, it just takes a little longer.

Boil your pasta for 5 minutes or so in salted water. Drain and put to one side. In a large pan (I used a wok) fry onions and chopped smokey sausage with a little veggie oil and garlic powder.

Add a chicken stock cube and the amount of water specified on the packet (mine was 300ml). Add in the sour cream and half a jar of lasagne sauce. You can just use tomatos but this has a herby flavour to it. Add in the pasta. Cook on medium heat for 10-15 minutes,  add the cheeses, and simmer until the pasta is fully cooked.

It doesn't look super appetising but believe me it really is! It will also seem really runny but as it cooks this reduces down and becomes so yummy and stringy!!

Pasta (I used about 75g)
Chicken stock plus water
Cooked sausage (like Mattessons)
An onion
2 tablespoons of sour cream
Half a jar of lasagne sauce
Garlic powder
Grated cheddar cheese
Plastic cheese aka cheese singles

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