Sunday 20 January 2013

30 Day Shred Day 16

So I am just over halfway through with 30 Day Shred now and its taken me just over a month. The eagle-eyed among you will notice that means I am not completing it in 30 days. I am however averaging 3/4 times a week, which with a pretty busy work life and generally being quite lazy is no mean feat. Normally with stuff like this, I give up pretty quickly. I tried running a mile a day - it last about a week. I did plank a day, now in fairness I did do that for about a month, but then subsequently dropped it like a stone. This is because I expect impossible and instant results.

How I expect to look after doing a plank every day for a week

With this regime, I have given it more of a chance - and have completely cut out all takeaways (which we would easily have one of a week) and fizzy drinks (apart from the odd sip to take tablets - for some reason I can only do this with fizzy drinks). Even just from those two reductions in calories and crap intake, I should be generally much healthier and hopefully the exercise is making an internal difference too. As it sure as hell isn't making a noticeable external difference yet...!! But I am sticking with it.

I saw a pin on Pinterest (my favourite place in the whole world) that said it takes 4 weeks for you to notice a change in your body, 8 weeks for those people you know to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Whether thats true or not I don't know, but I'm at the 4 and a bit week point and though I can't see a difference yet, I know I have to keep on going for it to make much of a difference to everyone else. I just want to get to the point where I am comfortable in my clothes (and out of them, wink wink!) and can feel attractive again. I'm not asking for a size 8 toned trim figure. A size 10/12 with a bit of jiggle is fine.

Hopefully I am not asking too much and will start to see some better results soon. In the mean time, I will stick with it. As my doctor said when I visited him last week - "relax, and enjoy your life". Enjoy your life!! Well, he was easily a 20+ stone man who clearly enjoyed his life, not sure its the right advice to give when you are seeing someone struggling to lose weight, but it made me think a bit at least! :)

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