Sunday 20 January 2013

Pinterest PDF's

Ok I just had a mini freak out - what if someone hacked my Pinterest and I lost everything, or for some reason Pinterest closed down and I could never see all my beautiful pins and (admittedly all other people's) ideas ever again!?

Thankfully, there is a genius way to save your pins (albeit they won't be clickable, but I tend to write the salient points in the pin description so I would know what they were about without following the links) as a PDF file! I got this from Nap Time is the New Happy Hour and I was SO relieved I cannot tell you! Especially my craft board, I have well over 500 pins on that bad boy and I would have been So devastated to have to have started from scratch and lost all those ideas. 

In brief, open up your board, and load all the pins. Scroll all the way down to the bottom so its all loaded, this might mean its "fetching pins" a few times. The go to print, and instead of the printer, select Save as PDF. Here's my "The Future Mum in Me" board about to be saved as a PDF. I have Windows 7 so this may look different if you have XP or something else, but just change the destination from the Printer to save as PDF

Now your pins are safe forever!! I think every few months I will redo this as I will have pinned hundreds of extra things I am sure (certified Pinterest addict right here!) and I can be certain I will always have them to refer to should the worst happen...

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