Monday 9 December 2013


Come on in (mind your head...) and bask in the glorious grey-and-yellow glow of my revamped blog!!

When I first started the blog I didn't really know what it'd be about -  and in all fairness, I still don't, it's just a mash of stuff (technical terminology!) - so I just picked my blanket-wide internet name of No Brakes YTFC as my blog URL. I use this pretty much everywhere. I experimented with a domain name here and there, but now I've settled on what I think is an absolutely fab name as volunteered by the lovely Becky, a dear friend of mine!

Over the coming weeks I will be doing a lot of tinkering, and will be posting updates much more regularly. I feel I am always "looking to the future" and while that's great to have something to aim for, I also really need to start living in the moment and making the best of what I've got, and I'm hoping I can share that with you along the way!

So check back soon for updates, and hopefully there'll be something interesting (don't quote me though...!)

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